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Latest MAPEH Reviewer - LET Exam Part 01

1. Which of the ff. is NOT an aspect of Physical fitness?
a. Static fitness
b. Dynamic fitness
c. Motor skill fitness
d. none of the above

Ans: b

2. The capacity of the individual to function in every way at one’s own best.
a. Physical Education
b. Fitness Testing
c. Physical Fitness
d. Motor skill fitness

Ans: c

3. It is a self – motivating activity where one can manipulate to the different parts of the body into varied positions or movement.
a. Coordination
b. Gymnastics
c. Agility
d. Physical fitness

Ans: b

4. Which of the following is a way to test physical fitness?
a. Bent – knee curl up
b. Sit and Reach
c. Three minute steps
d. All of the above

Ans: b

5. They are exercise done to improve grace, form and control of body parts through creative movements
a. tumbling
b. Knee scale
c. Aerial skills
d. Floor exercise

Ans: b

6. Is a leadership wherein the members show loyalty and pride for their unit.
a. Proficiency
b. Morals
c. Discipline
d. Esprit de Corps

Ans: c

7. Its purpose is to convey to the reader accurate information concerning the various terrain and geographical features of an area
a. Globe
b. Map
c. Scale
d. Grid

Ans: d

8. Is help of assistance given to injured person or taken suddenly ill and includes self-help and includes self-help and home care. words of encouragement and promotion of confidence.
a. First Aid
b. Emergency case
c. Ambulatory system
d. none of the above

Ans: d

9. Refers to a general body knowledge that an individual can adopt to reduce the shock of finding one’s self isolated in a desolate place etc.
a. Survival skills
b. Technical skills
c. Military skills
d. Scientific skills

Ans: c

10. It is a dance or unit formation composed of 4 pairs standing on the side of hallow square facing center.
a. circle
b. promenade
c. set
d. break

Ans: b

11. Should you include dietary changes in your personal fitness plan?
a. Yes, no more salty foods.
b. Yes, no more meat
c. Depends on your fitness goals
d. No, the work out will overcome effect of poor diet.

Ans: c

12. Why is it necessary to established your specific goals for personal fitness? Because your goals determine the _______________.
I. types of exercise you should build into your plan
II. amount of time you will need to exercise
III. significant dietary changes, if necessary

a. II and III
b. I and II
c. I only
d. I, II, and III

Ans: d

13. For strength training which are convenient tools?
I. Weight machine
II. Dumbbells
III. Exercise balls
IV. Resistance bands

a. I, II and III and IV
b. I, II and III
c. II and III
d. I and II

Ans: a

14. Which are strength routines that do not require equipment?
I. Push – ups
II. Yoga
III. Dumbbells
IV. Dance workout with video

a. I and II
b. I, II, III and IV
c. I only
d. II and IV

Ans: a

15. Which is NOT part of cardio routines?
a. Jogging
b. Weight machines
c. Jump rope
d. Dance workout videos

Ans: b

16. Which type of gymnastics event combines gymnastics, dance, ballet and apparatus manipulation?
a. Men’s Artistic Gymnastics
b. Rhythmic Gymnastics
c. Women Artistic Gymnatics
d. None of the above

Ans: b

17. In gymnastics, safety is of primary concern. What should a performer do when he/she loses balance in a stunt?
a. Land with bended knees
b. Land on both feet
c. Stand straight
d. Roll out

Ans: d

18. Spotting has a twofold purpose. First is the performer’s safety and prevention of injury and second, is the guiding of performer to help develop body awareness. Which among the roles of a spotter is the most difficult to perform?
a. To prevent a hazardous fall
b. To help develop self confidence
c. To help support the body weight
d. To assist performer carry out the stunts

Ans: a

19. In a spike position, the body is fully bent forward at the hips while legs are kept straight. Pike can be performed in three positions. What are they?
1. Walking Position
2. Lying Position
3. Sitting Position
4. Standing Position

a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 2, 3 and 4
c. 1, 3 and 4
d. 1, 2 and 4

Ans: b

20. What contribution of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn of Germany made him the “father of modern gymnastics”?
a. He develop the bars (side, horizontal and parallel), balance beam and jumping events.
b. He included physical exercises with other forms of instruction
c. He develop a more graceful form of the sport.
d. He invented more than 30 pieces of apparatus.

Ans: a

21. It is the physical dependence or both on a dangerous drug following it administration or use on a periodic or continuous basis.
a. Drug Abuse
b. Drug Addiction
c. Drug Depended
d. Drug Tolerance

Ans: d

22. The policy – making and coordinating agency in drug prevention.
a. Dangerous Drug Board
b. Department of Health
c. National Bureau of Investigation
d. PNP Anti – Narcotics Commission

Ans: b

23. The means to improve the quality of life of each Filipino through regulation and spacing of child birth, counseling of parent and would – be – parent, etc.
a. Family Planning
b. Responsible Parenhood
c. Population Control
d. Contraception

Ans: d

24. Is a set of goals and guidelines for changing the rate of population growth in the vital interest of a country.
a. Population Control
b. Population Policy
c. Population Program
d. Population Education

Ans: a

25. It is the act of introducing substances or pollutants into the atmosphere which may be injurious to public health.
a. Water pollution
b. Air pollution
c. Noise Pollution
d. All of the above

Ans: d

26. It is recovery or reuse of any material to conserve resources and waste disposal.
a. Recycling
b. Segregation
c. Composing
d. Reprocessing

Ans: c

27. Refers to the economic application of laws ang processes of science and engineering in the preparation and preservation of food.
a. Food Control
b. Food Management
c. Food Technology
d. Food Sanitation

Ans: a

28. The style of performing the lyrics of the song in a half – sung, half – spoken manner.
a. Rap
b. Sprechstimme
c. Expressionism
d. Impressionism

Ans: b

29. The use of different meter signatures in a composition.
a. Multimeter
b. Syncopation
c. Polymeter
d. Multimeter

Ans: d

30. The use of two or more different rhythms played at the same time.
a. Bitonality
b. Polyrhythm
c. Polunality
d. Polytonaly

Ans: d

31. It is a declamatory piece in free from using different melodies that varies in mode and tempo.
a. Rhapsody
b. Overture
c. Aria
d. Opera

Ans: a

32. It is sonata for orchestra and has 4 movements
a. Symphony
b. Orchestra
c. Concierto
d. Opera

Ans: b

33. It is the rhythm of a song and tell the numbers if beats in every measure
a. Tempo
b. Intensity
c. Duration
d. Time Signature

Ans: d

34. A series of consecutive tones with varying pitch and duration.
a. Melody
b. Tone
c. Pitch
d. Intensity

Ans: a

35. Refers to the quality of tone.
a. Tempo
b. Intensity
c. Pitch
d. Timbre

Ans: d

36. Goal setting is a mechanism that helps one to understand his/her potential and to feel satisfied with its results. Thus, in goal – setting to enhance personal fitness, the first step is to assess current level of _______.
a. motivation
b. fitness
c. readiness
d. current level of understanding

Ans: b

37. What will happen to muscles when exposed to more stress such as resistance training?
a. Muscles get weaker and increase in size.
b. Muscles get weaker and decrease in size.
c. Muscles get stronger and increase in size.
d. Muscles get stronger and decrease in size.

Ans: c

38. Which among the functions of the skeletal system is responsible for improved performance?
a. Skeleton provides framework and shape to the body.
b. Skeleton protects the internal organs of the body.
c. Bone marrow produces red blood cells and platelets
d. Skeleton acts as lever.

Ans: d

39. How do muscles work to produce movement?
a. Pair of muscles acts in opposite directions.
b. Pair of muscles acts towards the same direction.
c. Pair of muscles pulls each other.
d. Pair of muscles pushes each other.

Ans: c

40. In Sepak Takraw, which muscle group is responsible when hitting the ball using the thigh?
a. Hamstrings
b. Triceps
c. Quadriceps
d. Gluteus maximus

Ans: a

41. Which of the following statements does NOT describe the benefit of physical activity?
a. Reduced risk of heart attack and blood pressure
b. Good sense of body image
c. Good chance of winning in a sport competition
d. Meeting new friends

Ans: c

42. Goal setting is a mechanism that helps one to understand his/her potential and to feel satisfied with its results. Thus, in goal – setting to enhance personal fitness, the first step is to assess current level of ___________.
a. motivation
b. fitness
c. readiness to affect change
d. current level of understanding about fitness

Ans: b

43. If you want to determine your fitness program parameters which should you do first?
a. Get a physical examination to identify any physical limitations
b. Construct your fitness plan
c. Commit yourself to your fitness plan
d. Figure out how much time you can have for work outs.

Ans: a

44. If you want to have a personalized fitness training program, which should you do first?
a. Determine your fitness program parameters
b. Select specific physical activities for your fitness program
c. Record your Fitness Training Plan
d. Evaluate your faithfulness to your fitness program

Ans: a

45. How much time should you devote to work outs?
a. Depends on your fitness goals and current level of physical fitness
b. About 150 minutes total of physical activity per week
c. About 200 minutes total of physical activity per week
d. Depends on your age

Ans: a

46. What is the official name of the governing body for gymnastics worldwide?
a. Internationale Federation de Gymnastique
b. Federation Internationale de Gymnastique
c. Gymnastique Federation Internationale
d. None of the above

Ans: b

47. For better execution of an inverted stand, the center of weight must be _________ the center of support.
a. positioned under
b. positioned over
c. positioned behind
d. of the same level as

Ans: b

48. Which gymnastic position is often used to complete a back extension and cartwheel? The weight is supported on one leg while the other leg is extended at the rear. The extended leg is kept straight with the toe pointed and the chest is kept erect.
a. Lunge
b. Pli or Plie
c. Arabesque
d. Relev or Releve

Ans: c

49. In the Filipino Pyramid Guide, gymnastics particularly sports aerobics, can be classified as moderate to vigorous activity. How often should and individual engage in this type of activity to achieve the desired level of fitness.
a. 30 minutes, three to five times a week
b. 35 minutes everyday
c. 50 minutes a day, three to five times a week
d. 120 minutes three times a day

Ans: a

50. Which movements include all movements that the body is able to execute while the feet remain stationary?
a. Locomotion Movements
b. Non Locomotion Movements
c. Locomotor Movements
d. Non Locomotor Movements

Ans: d

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